
This picture shows a 50 pound difference. 30 of those pounds are only in the last 6 months. I didn’t significantly change much about my habits. In fact I was fairly active. I ate a little more than usual, but still, not significantly. The only thing that changed was the dosage of medicine I was taking. We increased it drastically. Then all the weight just accumulated. My clothes have never been so tight. Even my baggy clothes are tight. It’s ridiculous. I hate this.

I started doing CrossFit two months ago. I’ve been going 5 days a week. And I’ve been pushing myself during the workouts. But still, nothing. You would think there would at least be some change. You would think that maybe if not on the scale at least my clothes would fit differently. Nope. Nothing. Scale’s not changing. Waistline’s not changing. I’m trying to watch what I eat. I’ve almost completely cut out all sodas. I’ve limited my alcohol consumption. I try to avoid breads and rice. Now I’m going to have to start counting calories, and I’m going to start running in addition to the CrossFit. And if still nothing changes, I have no idea what to do. Somehow I’ll have to start coming off of my medication, because this weight is not good. It’s making me more unhealthy than healthy. I’d rather be crazy than obese.

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