My Anxiety Symptoms

All day I’ve been dizzy with vertigo. I’ve had a small headache. My lips and my limbs have been tingling slightly. I’ve felt my heart jump a few times, and I’ve had a rapid heart rate. Slightly nauseated as well. Previously I had gone to the emergency room for these exact symptoms. They simply said it was due to high blood pressure. That was about it. I went home. But today the symptoms were back.

I knew I didn’t need to go to the hospital. I checked my blood pressure, and sure enough it was higher than usual. So I thought, oh it’s just my blood pressure again. But then I started thinking some more about it. Why would I suddenly start having blood pressure issues? It’s always normal when I go to the doctor. Then I thought you know, maybe I’m a little anxious. Nothing specific though. Just generally anxious.

I started putting all of the pieces together and realized, you know what, it’s anxiety. My blood pressure is high because I’m anxious. My heart rate is up because I’m anxious. I’m nauseated because I’m anxious. I’m tingling and dizzy because all of these are physical symptoms of anxiety. As soon as I did something calming, my symptoms pretty much went away. Amazing, huh?

Now I know, if I ever start to feel dizzy or tingly again, I just need to calm down and do something relaxing because it’s my anxiety that’s giving me these symptoms.

The thing is though, I don’t have a clue why I was anxious. I’ll have to think more about that later on. It could be nothing, it could be something bigger.